My Wedding is Mine

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I'd like to revisit the registry issue. I really think I'm out of that I've started, I've lost ALL perspective.

First - what is considered excessive? How much should a place setting be? stemware (because mine is VERY expensive)? I registered on Feel free to see my registry (put in my first and last name I think). I would like some of you to do research and confirm that I have cross the line into the offensive.

Have I become a completely obnoxious snob?

Another question - I also registered on amazon...but my mom and I both agree that I need to register at a couple REAL stores that the older ladies can go since they don't trust the internet. Ideas? and Macy's is a firm no. I could do target I suppose - any other ideas?


  • At 8:51 PM, Blogger ms. AB said…

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  • At 9:14 PM, Blogger ms. AB said…

    um, i can't quite figure out if the price shown is per item or for, say, all 10 requested items. that aside...

    what you maybe are going overboard on is the variety of stuff. with so many choices you may be undermining your ability to get a full set of anything. are there that many people potentially involved who really will use the registry? what if you end up with 4 out of 8 flatware services or 10 dinner plates, 6 dessert plates, and 2 saucers? or lots of stemware without a full set of anything? are you figuring to buy the missing pieces?

    somewhere there's got to be a formula including number of guests, their net worth, and quantity of items on the registry. is it possible to prioritize these things (a la the amazon wishlist)?

  • At 10:49 AM, Blogger me said…

    you didn t register at manolo blahnik??

  • At 7:21 AM, Blogger vp said…

    my reason for having many items is that I wanted to have afew that weren't exhorbantly expensive. It seems rude to my guests that don't have the money to buy hermes china.

    But perhaps I should winnow down the items to the things I really want. I could register at target for less expensive stuff right?


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