My Wedding is Mine

Saturday, October 07, 2006

the wedding DOB

so what's the protocol on the ladies styling situation the day before and day of the wedding?

I'm going to keep the budget within reason but will not offend if it can be avoided. Those ladies in the immediate wedding get mani - pedi the day before and hair and makeup day of the wedding right? does it all get done the morning of the wedding? but what about the more peripheral people in the wedding? readers and usherettes? what's the protocol there - should I be paying for them to have a DOB too (for non subscribers to DOB is short for "day of beauty")?

obviously since simon is in the immediate bridal party and on my side he will be receiving mani-pedi and hair the next day as well - without protest. Because he's at the highest level of wedding party he may receive a microdermabrasion facial treatment as well.

Please also note that the bride's head has exploded in the picture above. Why is giant hair the norm for weddings? GIANT HAIR!


  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger Simon said…

    Of course I'm growing out my hair so I can get professional "wedding tendrils" done.
    Feel free to save every penny that would otherwise be wasted on any attempt to improve my skin.
    p.s. Do I have to shave for the wedding?

  • At 3:12 PM, Blogger vp said…

    you do not need to shave. I find it disturbing to see your entire face at once. I like having a subtle shroud softening the harshness of your jawline.

    you're getting a facial. maintainance

  • At 8:31 AM, Blogger vp said…

    club - you are right about the hair thing ans I continually insist.

    I plan to do a traditional bun - if my hair is long enough - it'll be out of my face without exploding.

    as for DOB - I do want to do something special for my bridesmaids, but maybe this can be the gift one traditionally gives then. - But I do think I'm going to keep this strictly the inner sanctum of the wedding part - sorry readers and usherettes.

    plus I'm desperate to see simon get a manicure.

  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger ms. AB said…

    dob together is def. a bridemaids thing. whether you go so far as to dictate the hairstyles and polish color is another level. but with your presence, there's less possibility of an overzealous stylist breaking out the hair glitter.

  • At 12:21 PM, Blogger ms. AB said…

    random tip for dob. regardless of how you have your hair done that morning you MUST wear a button down shirt so as not to ruin the hair and make-up before getting into the gown. you really need to have your make up professionally done, by someone who knows how camera lighting works. i swore i looked like the whore of babylon for my sister's wedding, but the pictures show me as a regular girl. who knew.

  • At 10:32 AM, Blogger vp said…

    shout out to my sisters (who never read this thing)- maybe the two of you want to get open toed shoed for the wedding since you'll be getting a pedi the day before.


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