My Wedding is Mine

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Wedding Documentation

I'm not sure if it is absolutely mandatory these days but I am somewhat against the wedding video. Every one I have seen has the semi-tacky feeling of pseudo-high-post-production-imac software. If possible it might be cooler to spring for an extra photographer instead to get some excellent cameo material. I alse really LOVE B & W wedding photography. Nancy, you know that pic (is it your grandparents' wedding) you had on the wall at a John St? White double-breasted dinner jacket and cigarettes? Now THAT is classy. It's like a still from Casablanca.
The idea is to make the photos as timeless as possible.
Keep this in mind for wedding fashion choices too. The goal: 20 years later it should not be completely obvious what decade the wedding happened in.


  • At 12:15 PM, Blogger vp said…

    the wedding video is weird. no.

  • At 9:38 PM, Blogger ms. AB said…

    video is always so much worse than you remember anything. you should have the extra photographer that does documentary style candid stuff. the guy who does the 1001 posed shots is pretty much required by everyone's parents, but while he's busy doing that no one is actually photographing the wedding and reception. you should also have paparazzi stalk your wedding and a red carpet at your reception. p.s. don't do the cheezy disposable cameras on the table.


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