My Wedding is Mine

Monday, September 04, 2006

going old school

so i was talking to my v. catholic sister and told her about the wedding. how catholic are you going with this thing? she tells me there are lengthy negotiations about all sorts of stuff if it's actually in a catholic church. annulments, pre-cana classes, indulgences (or whatever they call it these days when you need to pay that little extra so you can wear a dress with your shoulders exposed).


  • At 2:57 PM, Blogger Simon said…

    I cannot wait to hear nkb's reply to this. But it might be impolitic, imprudent and perhaps even a bit impudent to speak ill of the church before its blessings are bestowed. That said, one can never go wrong greasing the wheels of the gates of heaven!

  • At 4:54 PM, Blogger vp said…

    my parents are intense catholics. intense.

    there will be money exchanged. and crappy retreats AND I have to join a parish here in worcester to procure a letter that I'm in good standing with the church. the irony here is that I'm going to lie about being a devout catholic to get a letter saying I'm a good catholic.

    religion is so weird sometimes.

  • At 5:11 PM, Blogger ms. AB said…

    yeah, i'm not allowed to be godmother to my nephews. not that i consider myself an expert on god, but honestly with all the art history i think i've got the party line down.

    let me know if you want to have a retreat to padre pio's shrine.

  • At 11:23 AM, Blogger me said…

    i am not even confirmed yet. but since i have still to meet george clooney and plan that wedding i m not in a hurry about that.

  • At 11:53 AM, Blogger Lady Z said…

    N, your story reminds me of my first penance, at age 10. I went into the box and my mind blanked and I couldn't remember any of the sins I'd committed (truly heinous ones, too, no doubt), so I lied and made a bunch up. Then I never went back to the confessional.

    -Lady Z, confirmed and hellbound Catholic

  • At 11:54 AM, Blogger Lady Z said…

    N, your story reminds me of my first penance, at age 10. I went into the box and my mind blanked and I couldn't remember any of the sins I'd committed (truly heinous ones, too, no doubt), so I lied and made a bunch up. Then I never went back to the confessional.

    -Lady Z, confirmed and hellbound Catholic


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