My Wedding is Mine

Thursday, September 28, 2006


if one has to skimp on a wedding - what does one skimp on?

obviously not liquor.


  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger ms. AB said…

    skimp on the favors. i'm not saying you should do something cheap, just don't have them. nobody knows what to do with them anyway.

  • At 7:08 AM, Blogger vp said…

    I'm also think of doing a smaller cake just enough to feed the guests. I think the idea of saving a giant layer of cake to freeze and eat in a year is totally gross.

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger me said…

    ew. that is gross about the cake.

    skimp on the guests. invite less people if you have to.

    i would also skip a church wedding but i m not sure that is possible at this point.

  • At 7:28 AM, Blogger vp said…

    John and I have already pared down our guests to the bare minimum - about 45 each (including our extended families).

    It's my parents that are inviting another 50 "close friends" - as their paying for this thing I can't tell them to change their list at all.

    and that cake is the most amazing picture I've EVER seen.

  • At 11:25 AM, Blogger ms. AB said…

    on the cake. you can actually have a super small designer cake for the ceremonial cutting. then plain old sheet cake with frosting in the kitchen to serve guests. it always seems ridiculous to have such a giant sculptural thing which then gets whisked away to be disassembled in the kitchen and cut. that takes forever.

  • At 11:28 AM, Blogger ms. AB said…

    also on flowers. florist will try to get you to have a "tossing bouquet". do ladies dive for flowers? i have and i regret it. but maybe we'll get drunk and sentimental enought that it will seem like a good idea, so even if you still want to do it, use simon's boquet, he won't mind.

    florist will also want you to have intense church flowers (ends of pews, etc.). sure you want something on the altar, but that's about it. right?

  • At 2:28 PM, Blogger vp said…

    I just got an amazing email from my friend catie who read the blog - (we have to get her posting on this by the way).

    here was her extended reply to this question:

    skimp on the flowers (my cousin and my aunt had an arrangement with some lady with a cutting garden and saved bundles. plus, you can go a long long way with with lovely leaves...which includes hostas although i know how you feel about them).

    don't even do favors. i can't tell you how many silly frames, mirrors, and luggage tags i possess but have no use for.

    have your dress made if you can find somebody you're comfortable with. i had mine made for about 600 bucks. my mom and i went to this fabulous fabric store with the dress maker (who unfortunately is no longer sewing wedding dresses but she was in OP). the store was on niagara street in no. buff. and had beautiful lace and stuff.

    absolutely do not skimp on booze and music.

    food....well...i've never had a truly amazing wedding meal. it seems so secondary. i think only the old people are paying attention to it...or the non-drinkers...or the people who are not on the dance floor.

    absolutely do not save your wedding cake top for your first anniversary. i only had the bite of cake that griff fed to me at the cake cutting so i missed out. my family and i ate the top layer the following day as dessert. it was very tasty and, most importantly, not freezer burned. (i had the mother of one of my mother's former students, who is/was a baker, make the cake(s). it (they? i think i had more than one flavor) were fabulous. i'll get the name for you if you want.

    make sure you feel like you'll get along well with the photographer. s/he will be with you alllllll daaaaay, so if s/he is annoying, you will be annoyed.

    start thinking about your hairstyle. i know your hair grows like a weed, but you'd be surprised how long some hairdressers need it to be to get a good updo.

    next summer, never go outside without thinking about tan lines. seriously, from the first hint of sun in the spring.

  • At 9:07 AM, Blogger Simon said…

    Wow, ms. ab you make the bouquet-toss sound like a rugby scrum.

    I agree with the essential observation that nobody will notice or care about apparent skimping so long as people are happy, dancing and / or drunk. That's all anyone will remember 24 hrs later.

    Also keep in mind that some guests can NEVER be pleased and it's not worth trying to impress them. T the last wedding I was at, I was sitting just in front of two old "ladies" at the ceremony and all they did was comment nastilly on how tacky the floral arrangements were, how bad the violinist was and --get this-- that the 6 yr old flowergirls' steps were not synchronized enough!. (All true but all irrelevant. Some people can only feel good by feeling superior and that can't be helped.)


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