My Wedding is Mine

Friday, February 09, 2007

only you're invited

can I invite someone and explicitly not offer "& guest" if I hate the person he/she would bring?


  • At 9:42 AM, Blogger ms. AB said…

    if you're lucky (?) there is a mutual dislike and you are free to add "and guest" with the presumption that guest wouldn't want to come anyway. but if guest is oblivious to your dislike then there's a problem.

    if you issue the single invite, your friend will turn up and be sans escort when it is obvious that everyone else got to bring their choice of mate. awkward. it would be rude to single out one person as not being allowed to bring a guest, but if the general policy is only to invite named couples (ie both would be invited anyway) without the vagueries of "and guest" then go ahead with the single invite as a policy, not a punishment.

  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger vp said…

    but if I write - AND GUEST without explicitly stating the name of known boy/girlfriend - does that imply the dislike clearly enough?


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